I was reading a post in my mom's group about activities and our 3 year olds, i.e. how many activities they are involved in, what kind of activities. I came to realize that Jerome isn't involved with anything and I think it may contribute to his lack of maturity. I try talking to Jerome and I don't feel like he really understands what I'm saying. Yes, we can carry on a conversation but I don't think he really *gets* what I'm saying. For example if Jerome is having a meltdown and I try to talk to him about how he is feeling he really doesn't understand what I mean.
It makes me wonder if I'm the only one that feels this way and I tend to blame myself. I work full time and when I get home I still have to make dinner, wash dishes, laundry, pick up the house and give the kids their baths and it really takes away from time that I should be spending with them. Maybe because of that I spoil my kids too much and their lazy - I don't know. Some days I think I'm a great parent and other days I tend to second guess myself - this parenting thing is a lot harder than I thought.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Short post
I woke up to the sound of rain this morning and it absolutely made my morning. I love cloudy days and wish we had more of them.
We had someone take a look at our house yesterday. It was weird to know that someone was in our house without us. Now only time will tell if they actually liked it and will bid on it.
I hope everyone is having a great hump day!
We had someone take a look at our house yesterday. It was weird to know that someone was in our house without us. Now only time will tell if they actually liked it and will bid on it.
I hope everyone is having a great hump day!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
First of all, sorry I haven't updated this blog in what seems like forever! We have been so busy with work, kids and keeping up the house. I swear, we are so busy with the kids now, I can't even imagine what it'll be like when they are in school!
Jerome will be starting pre-kindergaten next year and it has been on mind a lot lately. So much in fact that Marcos and I have made a huge decision and have bought a house in Santa Fe! We are so excited but very scared because that means we have to sell our current home. It's a great time to buy a house but not so great to be selling a house. With that said, we aren't getting our hopes up to much because we only have a six month span to sell our current home or our deal for the new house will fall through...so please pray for us that everything works out!
I will leave you with a couple of new pictures of the kids.

Take care,
Friday, April 10, 2009
Jerome potty trained?
Do I dare say it? I think my stubborn headed 2 1/2 year old son Jerome is potty trained....or so I think! We have been working with him very hard and I think our patience and persistence are starting to finally pay off. He has been staying dry all night for the past week and he hasn't had an accident in 2 days! I was really worried about teaching him to go "poo" in the potty but rest assured he did it 4 times on Tuesday! I can't be pleased with him anymore than I am right this very minute. My little baby isn't a baby anymore and in some ironic twist it makes me sad that I wont have to be buying him diapers ever again, but then again only having Lexi in diapers will be a good thing!
Much love to all!
Much love to all!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Just wanted to share a few pictures.
My little Jerome, the poor thing has a really bad rash around is mouth. If anyone knows of any natural remedies please share. We've tried hydrocortazone and rosebud but they burned him so bad.

Friday, March 27, 2009
Quick update
Well the kids and I are sick AGAIN. I hate it when the kids are sick it makes me so sad because there's nothing I can do but to let it ride it's ugly course out. I have them on Tylenol and Motrin every four hours. Poor little Jerome has allergies on top of being sick so you can imagine how horrible he's feeling. It's hard taking care of sick kids when I'm sick as well, all I want to do is sleep and of course I can't, so tonight I have a date with the Nyquil bottle, LOL.
Nothing else is new with us just the same old. Well we did wake up to snow this morning. I'm so sick of snow and the cold weather. I think my toes are ready for the spring weather and some nice attention via a pedicure! Well goodnight to everyone!
Nothing else is new with us just the same old. Well we did wake up to snow this morning. I'm so sick of snow and the cold weather. I think my toes are ready for the spring weather and some nice attention via a pedicure! Well goodnight to everyone!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Family updates
Time for some updates with the familia! I'll start with Miss Alexis. Still no teeth, I can't believe it! I thought for sure she'd have at least two teeth by now, but nope! She does look so cute when she smiles her little granny smile. She has been army crawling for about a month now and she is pulling up on all fours rocking back and forth so I think she'll be full on crawling in a couple of weeks. I do have to say she sure does get around via army crawl! She finally is going from a laying down position to a sitting position on her own so I'm happy about that. Thanks to her brother she also now growls like a dinosaur, if you can imagine that. I can't believe that in 3 1/2 months we'll be celebrating her first birthday!
Now on to my Jerome! Boy of boy he sure has been putting us through the ringer! He has been a temper tantrum throwing toddler and it is just driving me crazy! What happened to my sweet little boy? He growls at Lexi and scares the crap out of her and then laughs because he thinks it's funny. He throws toys at anything that moves, spits (where we learned that IDK) and screams at the top of his lungs. I really thought we were going to pass the terrible two's but I *thought* wrong! From everyone I have talked to they have all warned me that the terrible two's is nothing compared to the three's. Great so I guess it's only going to get worse before it gets better. However, the other night I was looking into Jerome's mouth and I noticed that his two year molars have finally decided to poke thru so I'm hoping that's way he's been such a terror lately!
As for the hubby and I, we are doing as good as can be, we are both happy and healthy. We did get a new addition to the family, Elvis, our bulldog! He is such wonderful dog andI couldn't be more happy with him. I'm very fortunate that my work is letting me bring him every day in order to housebreak him. He's doing quite good actually and I think in about two weeks he should be fully housebroken! Well I can't think of anything else so God bless until next time!
Here's Elvis
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I just spent the last thirty minutes typing up a new blog and it somehow got deleted right when I hit the damn post button. Perfect end to a perfect day, aghhhhhh!!!!
Pinche laptop..... >:-(
Pinche laptop..... >:-(
Friday, January 9, 2009
Goodbye 2008
So I know it's been awhile since I've updated my blog, it's just been so crazy with all the holidays! I'm so glad it's the weekend and as of right now, we have NO plans, which is always good.
I'm so happy for 2009 to be here, but at the same time I'm sad to say goodbye to 2008. It was a really good year for our family. We welcomed our Alexis and what greater gift could we have gotten other than her?!
As the New Year rolled in we buckled down and finally got Jerome off of his pacifier! It was hard but it was something we really needed to do. We also finally got Lexi to start sleeping thru the night and it is so nice to finally get some much deserved sleep. Life couldn't get any better! I hope everyone has a great 2009! Until next time....
Lexi on New Years Day
My two favorite brats
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