Over the years I have always struggled with my weight. I would go on a crash diet and lose a couple of pounds only to gain them right back. I decided in January that I was once and for all finally going to conquer my battle with my weight.
Since then I have made small changes: from eliminating fast food and replacing it with whole grain sandwiches and vegetable chips for lunch, to cutting out sweets, counting calories and eliminating diet cokes (that was hard) I love me some diet Pepsi!
Marcos and I have started making it a priority to go the gym at least 3 times a week. I have found a new love for spinning and I can't get enough! I have tried everything and anything but nothing compares to the endorphin rush I get from spinning! I have also started limiting my portions and measuring everything I'm eating. It's a pain and it dirties more dishes than you can imagine, but I finally understand what "normal" portions are supposed to look like. I'm trying to lose 1 pound a week because I don't want to gain all my weight back and from everything I've read that seems to be the way to keep it off. To be honest though, sometimes it's a little discouraging because of how slowly the process is but I know I have to keep chugging along.
Today I went to a routine doctor's appointment and I'm so happy to report that I've lost 10 pounds since the middle of January! I have a long journey ahead of me and I know this is only the beginning, but every beginning has an ending and I'm so looking forward to my happy ending....and a new wardrobe! =)