First of all, sorry I haven't updated this blog in what seems like forever! We have been so busy with work, kids and keeping up the house. I swear, we are so busy with the kids now, I can't even imagine what it'll be like when they are in school!
Jerome will be starting pre-kindergaten next year and it has been on mind a lot lately. So much in fact that Marcos and I have made a huge decision and have bought a house in Santa Fe! We are so excited but very scared because that means we have to sell our current home. It's a great time to buy a house but not so great to be selling a house. With that said, we aren't getting our hopes up to much because we only have a six month span to sell our current home or our deal for the new house will fall please pray for us that everything works out!
I will leave you with a couple of new pictures of the kids.

Take care,